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 Free Summer Enrichment Youth Programming 

Rise Up, Ride Out uses a goal setting framework to develop social-emotionally intelligent learners through sports and recreation opportunities. Setting goals for life!


Who We Are

Rise Up Ride Out (RURO), is a team of three youth-centered nonprofits working together to provide a health-wellness summer program for Baltimore City youth. We believe that achieving health and wellness requires one to define goals in respect to physical fitness, social awareness and emotional control. Our comprehensive program is designed to promote autonomy by encouraging and instilling transferable life skills. 


Why enroll your child in Rise up Ride out? How are we different?

Some gyms focus is on the individual's ability to reach physical fitness goals and overlook the person’s ability to create healthy new habits to support their own whole body health system, i.e. How to seek support from a peer or identify tools of motivation. On the other hand, youth-centered non-profits tend to focus on the member's social or academic development and neglect the benefits of physical fitness. Our program directly and intentionally blends  all of these components to address the whole body wellness of our youth members.    

      Program Start  July 5, 2021          Program End - August 10, 2021



12 pm - 3pm

3 pm - 6 pm

Activities lead by MissionFit 

City Exploration with BYKE Collective


12 pm - 3 pm

3 pm - 6 pm

Activities lead by Corner Team Boxing 

Bike Mechanic course with BYKE Collective


12 pm - 3 pm

 3 pm - 6 pm 

Activities lead by MissionFit 

Violence Prevention + Peace Creation with BYKE Collective 


12 pm - 3 pm

3 pm - 6 pm

Activities lead by Corner Team Boxing 

Bike Mechanic course with BYKE Collective


12 pm - 3 pm 

3 pm - 6 pm

Water activities with Baltimore City Parks & Recreation

Have A Wonderful Weekend!

  What Will Your Child Gain From This Program?



  • Ability to self regulate, to create long term goals as they relate to emotional awareness and self regulation.

  • Ability to name, understand and regulate emotions in self and in others

  • Increased sense of belonging and safety within community.

  • Ability and desire to deescalate conflict situations.


  • Ability to create and define health goals. Categorize them as long term and short term, and then create a plan of action with defined steps to achieve those goals.

  • Increased health and wellness markers

  • Increased sense of control over physical wellness - ability to exercise.

  • Change in prospective or behavior  towards physical fitness.

Incentives for Participants 

  Free Rise Up Ride Out Book Bag ~ Face Mask ~ Goal setting Journal  ~ Hygiene Products  ~ MissionFit Exercise Mat ~ Corner Team Boxing Jump Rope



Ready To Enroll? We only have 12 spots open.

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